Sunday, November 25, 2012

Signs and symbols are everywhere!

Every Friday Sophie's teachers send out a "Friday Letter".  It tells all about what they did that week, what they will be working on the following week, and any upcoming calendar dates.  The Friday before Veteran's Day the letter was emailed out.  I quickly read through it.  It talked about how the PreK kids had started their new Unit of Inquiry and how it centered around Signs and Symbols.  They talked in class about how there are signs and symbols everywhere and the teacher's requested that we take a picture of our PreKer next to one and send it in to school.

I filed that little tidbit into my memory bank and didn't remember it until Monday.  They were off from school, due to the holiday.  We stayed in most of the day and I promised the kids I would take them to McDonald's to pickup dinner because Jason was working late.  On the way to McDonald's, as the sun was setting, and Sophie was wearing only her dress-up costume and a knit beret, I remembered her homework.

It was rather chilly that night, but the kids didn't bring any coats, or in Sophie's case, a coat OR shoes, because we weren't getting out of the car.  What to do...what to do....

We came upon this sign, and Chinese fire-drill style, I scooped Sophie out of the car, stuck her in front of the sign, and snapped the shot.  I quickly picked her back up and stuck her back in the car.  I think her feet only touched the cold, wet ground for 2-3 seconds, but DARN...doesn't she look cute!!

Watch out, Vanna!  I think she would make a really cute letter flipper!

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