Monday, June 18, 2012

Emptying boxes, jet-lag, furniture building...oh my!

So we began to unpack boxes and were uncovering items that we had not seen in almost 2 months.  It was like Christmas for the kids.  They were so excited to have their things back!  It also kept them entertained while we tried to put the house in order.  The girls decided to play dress-up with part of the $300 worth of dance costumes that we ordered, but weren't able to be in the recital because of the move.  Those are some pretty expensive dress-up clothes...but they sure are cute!!

Jet-lag hit Piper pretty hard...go must have been all of the NO SLEEPING she did on the plane ride!  She would just sleep at any given time she felt necessary for the first couple of days.  She would crawl up on to any flat surface and snooze!  She would also sleep about 7-8 hours at night.  We didn't have to worry about her being up all night!

So picture's about 11 PM.  Cole, Jason, Sophie and I were still awake.  Cole, Jason and I were trying to figure out the lights in the backyard and Sophie decided to stay inside.  When we came Sophie...we couldn't find her.  See if you can spot her in this shot.  Can you find her?

Out like a light!

Looks like Jason decided to take a little time out from building closets.  Not very long though...he was up and going again in no time!

Piper took a little rest and was ready to rock...until the next time she crawled up on the couch, of course!

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