Sophie started the day after Cole and Liv. She technically could have started Kindergarten here because they have way different cut-offs here. She will not be 5 until December, but she could have gone to Kindergarten. Ummm....nope! I will keep her little for another year! How crazy is it that she could have gone from going to Preschool 3 days a week for 2 and a half hours a day to....BAM...Kindergartner. Not for this girl...why...because her Mommy said so!
They offer a dual-language program in two of the 3 PreK classes where for part of the day one of the teachers speaks English and for the other part of the day the other teacher speaks French. That is the class we had planned on putting Sophie in, but she had other ideas. She wanted to be back with her teachers from last year. So...she is back in the Oak Class and goes to French class instead. (On a side note...she counted to 10 the other day for me in French and told me that she learned everything there was to learn about French and therefore will not have any more....I don't think so!)
She is having FUN picking out her outfits, but I must say most of them are not "weather appropriate" here in Belgium. She doesn't understand why she has to wear boots, not flip-flops...and leggings with all of her dresses. I wish she wore a uniform too! Mornings would be such a breeze in this house!!